Prysmatic Dreams Publishing

Early 2014 

Book Releases 




To order contact author at:  

Tribal Raine 

Jeffrey Guillaume 

“While delving into the curves and crevices of my mind have a care! Conditions tend to be… SLIPPERY WHEN WHET" - Tribal Raine

ISBN:  9781628903935


Fall 2013 Book Releases


Family Jewels

$ 12 USD

Family Jewels is a compilation of poetry that took several years in the making. I chose this title because I am a part of my family and they are a part of me. I am a combination of them all.  Writing poetry has always been a way for me to release. In the beginning, I would only write for myself but once I started to share them, I realized that others needed what I kept for only me. The truth is that GOD gives us gifts to bless others and to magnify HIM. So who am I not to share this wonderful gift HE has given me? 

Deronda Hannibal Gray

Rhonda GrahamM.A, L.P.C. 

 Women Worthy of This Calling

$10.00  USD 
To Purchase Contact Author at:
Who wants to go through trials and tribulations? Not me and I’m sure not you either.  Sometimes as Christians we wonder why we should have to go through. Many have lost faith as they go through. My trials and tribulations were my testing time. Through my experience, I discovered that it was not about me, but the witness I could be to others so they could see God in me. According to the Word, “…Tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; And experience, hope”.  This book serves as a witness that despite the circumstance, there is HOPE. 

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